
Check-in Differences

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Difference From 0.12 To 0.11

2022-05-09 12:18
Bump version number: 0.13 (check-in: b56d1390f5 user: mark tags: trunk)
2022-05-09 12:15
CHANGES for 0.12 (check-in: 671ad5159a user: mark tags: trunk, 0.12)
2022-05-09 11:33
Fix blame regression when opening child diff view in vsplit. (check-in: 5d1ac567c2 user: mark tags: trunk)
2022-05-08 13:47
Bump version number: 0.12 (check-in: d32f0aee53 user: mark tags: trunk)
2022-05-08 13:45
CHANGES for 0.11 (check-in: 53c1d7eb57 user: mark tags: trunk, 0.11)
2022-05-08 13:43
Remove redundant fcli_has_unused_args() call from main() (check-in: 2cf1a6ee21 user: mark tags: trunk)

Changes to CHANGES.md.

Changes to README.md.

Changes to fnc.bld.mk.

Added signify/fnc-10-release.pub.

Deleted signify/fnc-12-release.pub.

Changes to src/fnc.c.